Build a facility that allows us to greater serve our community through:
Kids' Education - Ark Academy
Worship Services - The Ark Church
Community Outreach - Ark Reach
This facility will enable children starting at age 3 (with plans to go up to 12th grade) to experience a new, life-changing approach to education.
This positive learning environment, will emphasize 7 age appropriate, core areas of learning:
Academics, Leadership & Social skills, Money Management, Physical Education & Nutrition, Biblical Education, Life Skills and Mental Health.
Teachers and staff that are dedicated to helping children reach their full potential in life.
Project All In will allow us to reach more people for God not only on Sundays, but throughout the week.
We are excited to welcome more children in to worship services and we will have dedicated spaces for small group learning!
This will also highly impact our students as they will now have a meeting space for youth services and other church functions.
Finally, we will be able to expand the number of biblical education classes we offer throughout the week to help adults grow in their faith.
This building campaign will enable us to reach our community in a greater capacity than we currently are.
We will be able to utilize our parking lot for food ministry drive ins, as well as for other community events to bless people.
With our large green space we plan on reaching young families by offering sports leagues, soccer, basketball, volleyball etc. to help students grow in body, mind and spirit.
This facility will also serve our local government, businesses and local leaders as a meeting spot during the week for people to utilize. Our heart is to reach and serve our community with this project.
Approximately 5 acres of land has already been paid for free and clear on Highway 3 in North Texas City
We have already raised an additional $100k and need approximately $300k to secure a loan to begin construction on the building
The total project cost is 2.6 million