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In This Series

God Hasn't Given Up On You

Nov 3, 2024 | Pastor Brandon Johnson

Are you in a season where you feel like giving up? Sometimes we are so exhausted from stress, lack of sleep, challenges at work etc. that we don;t feel like we can keep going. Thankfully, we have a god that doesn’t give up on us! But not only does God not give up on us, he continues to help us in our greatest time of need. 

Why God Allows Trials

Nov 10, 2024 | Pastor Brandon Johnson

Have you ever wondered why god allows us to go through trials and challenges? If he loves us, why would he let us experience hardships? Today we look at this very thing as James explains why God allows these things. You don’t want to miss this one!

Testing and Temptation

Nov 17, 2024 | Pastor Brandon Johnson

When you are tempted to do something wrong, how do you respond? Many of us if we are honest have an inconsistent track record with temptation. There are times we overcome and yet other when we give into it. But be encouraged today because there is a way to overcome temptation! Join us today and find out how!

Rare Attitudes of a Christian

Nov 24, 2024 | Pastor Brandon Johnson

Have you heard this saying before? Attitude determines your altitude. We all know we should have a good attitude, especially as christian’s. but how do you have a good attitude when you’re in a trial? join us today!

Does God Have Favorites?

Dec 1, 2024 | Pastor Brandon Johnson

Whether it’s our favorite place to eat, our favorite place to visit or our favorite child (Just joking), we all tend to have favorites. However, does God have favorites? What does this mean for our lives? James tackles this question as we continue in the book of James!

How do you Know You're Saved?

Dec 8, 2024 | Pastor Brandon Johnson

Have you ever wondered, am I saved? Many times we don’t think too much about topics such as salvation, eternity, heaven and hell etc., but when we do, they force us to grapple with some sobering introspective realities. Today, James gives us a way to know if the faith we say we have, is real. you’ll want to listen to this message!

The Power of Your Words

Dec 15, 2024 | Pastor Brandon Johnson

We’ve all heard the saying, sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me. that true? The bible places a huge amount of power on our words. In fact, you may not realize how much power your words actually have. Join us today as we learn how to steward the power of our words well!

Prayer is the Key

Jan 5, 2025 | Pastor Jason Lucas

How often do you pray? Why? Many times we don't quite know how to or we just don't truly see the value in prayer. Today Pastor Jason shares in wrapping up our series, why we pray and what happens when we do!

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