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In This Series

God's Ownership (part 1)

Jan 12, 2025 | Pastor Brandon Johnson

Biblical financial prosperity begins with how you answer this question: Who is the owner of all of my possessions? God or myself? It might sound spiritual to say God, but do we really believe that? Is God the owner or are we? As we kick off this series, do not miss this foundational financial truth!

Our Money Management (part 2)

Jan 19, 2025 | Pastor Brandon Johnson

Biblical financial prosperity begins with how you answer this question: Who is the owner of all of my possessions? God or myself? It might sound spiritual to say God, but do we really believe that? Is God the owner or are we? As we kick off this series, do not miss this foundational financial truth!

Wise Living (part 3)

Jan 26, 2025 | Pastor Brandon Johnson

If you were to come into $1000, what would you do with it? Spend it on that item you’ve been wanting? Pay off debt? Asked another way, if Jesus was given that same money in our day, how would he manage it? Join us today as we discuss how to make wise decisions when we come into money!

Eternal Rewards (part 4)

Feb 2, 2025 | Pastor Brandon Johnson

If you’ve been a part of this message series so far, you know that God is the owner of everything and we are the managers. But when we manage well the things God has given us, how does God reward us? Is it only in heaven or also on earth. Join us and find out!

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