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In This Series
January 7, 2024 | Pastor Brandon Johnson
How do you fulfill God’s destiny for your life? What a question, right? In this new series, we look at the life of Joseph and see how God tested his character to help him go from the dream to reaching his destiny. The first test both he and we need to pass is the pride test. Listen to this message and find out how we pass this test!
January 14, 2024 | Pastor Brandon Johnson
How do you respond when you’re in a tough situation, a pit, if you will? Probably like the rest of us, not as well as we would like! But what is God’s purpose in allowing us to go through the pits of life? Join us as Pastor Brandon answers that question and we continue learning from the life of Joseph!
January 21, 2024 | Pastor Brandon Johnson
Would you like to have more or less resources in the future? Most of us would say more, right? Well, God wants you to have more too! However, the way we respond to the palace test determines whether we receive more or less. Join us today as Pastor Brandon discusses the biblical concept of being a steward and how it impacts our future resources!
January 28, 2024 | Pastor Brandon Johnson
Out of all the character tests God gives us, few tests affect our destiny’s like The Purity Test. Your response to this test will either prevent or protect you on the path towards your destiny. In an oversexualized world, every Christian MUST embrace this test wholeheartedly. So how do we pass this test? Join us today as Pastor Brandon shares!
February 4, 2024 | Pastor Brandon Johnson
Ever felt like you’ve taken one step forwards and two steps back? Have you experienced disappointment? Like many of us, Joseph knew this all too well. In these times, we take what is called, The Prison Test - How will we respond to disappointment? In this test, we can either run away from people or run towards the people God sends to help us reach our destiny.
February 11, 2024 | Pastor Brandon Johnson
Has God ever put a dream in your heart, but you didn’t see it happen quickly and you forgot about it? This can happen far too easily in our lives. The Prophetic Test is important because we can not forget the dream God has given us. Just as Joseph held on to what seemed unlikely to happen, we must hold on as well! Join us today to see HOW we can do this!
February 18, 2024 | Pastor Brandon Johnson
If God were to give you more power, how would you use it? When given power, some people neglect it, others abuse it and some use it for good. Just as Joseph used it for good, God is testing us right now. Can He trust giving you more power? Join us today to learn how we can pass the power test!
February 25, 2024 | Pastor Brandon Johnson
Before Joseph and the world went through a famine, he practiced wise financial stewardship in preparing 7 years beforehand. Let me ask you, if something challenging were to happen to you, similar to Joseph’s situation, would you be financially prepared for it? This begs the question, are we currently using our money in a wise way? Join us today as Pastor Brandon shares 3 financial principles on how to have favor in a famine.
March 3, 2024 | Pastor Brandon Johnson
Recently, one study showed that one of the hardest things for Christian’s to do is forgive. It doesn’t matter who you are, at some point you will be faced with the Pardon Test: The choice of if you will forgive. Some things come easier to forgive than others, but what about the big things? The major things that people have done wrong to us? How do we forgive those things? Join us today and find out!
March 10, 2024 | Pastor Brandon Johnson
Do you know the unique reason God put you on this earth? If you don’t know it, God wants you to! Joseph was able to discover and fulfill his purpose and so can you! Join us as Pastor Brandon ends this series teaching us how we can accomplish our destiny and fulfill our purpose!Join us for Part 10 of our series, Dream to Destiny!
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